Kilifi County MCAs pose for a photo with the House Speaker Teddy Mwambire and Governor Gedion Mung'aro outside the County Assembly Chambers shortly after the election of the House Speaker.

Kilifi is one of the six counties in the former Coast Province of Kenya bordering Mombasa County to the south and Tana River County to the north.It covers an area of 12,246 square kilometres and  has a total of 35 wards in its 7 constituencies. The county is headed by Governor Gideon Mung’aro.

Functions Of MCAs

An MCA is a representative elected by registered voters to the county assembly.They represent electoral units called Wards.

The main function of the members of the county assembly is to present the views and issues of the electorate to the county assembly for discussion. They also oversee the delivery of services by the county government to the people.They are also involved in the legislative process of the county in passing laws that guide the operations of the county. 

Kilifi county is among the counties with large number of MCAs due to its large size and according to a report from a survey conducted both online and on the ground which was obtained by the editors of Kilifi News Updates shows some of the most hardworking MCAs in the county based on four main elements i.e:

i)Accountability and Availability on the ground.

ii)Representation in the county assembly.

iii)Development Agenda.

iv)Policy Approach Framework.

Based on the following elements above,the electorates gave their views on who they consider the best among the 35 MCAs in a comprehensive list below:

1.Hon.Oscar Wanje

He is the Ganda Ward MCA who got the seat via an ODM ticket in the August election.He is considered as the most hardworking MCA in Kilifi due to his unmatched leadership skills of engaging the masses on anything he does.He is constantly on the ground to serve his people in key areas such as Water,Land,Talent Support,Environment conservation and Education.He ranked the highest on all the categories used to compile the report.

He holds several positions in the house of representatives including Chairman in the ICT and Research committee and a member in the Health and Justice and Legal Affairs committees.

He is a perfectionist who does his things in an orderly manner and has ambitions of becoming the governor of Kilifi in future.

2.Hon.Rose Baraka.

She is the current MCA of Sabaki Ward after defeating a battery of men who had lined up to clinch the seat inçluding the disgraced former MCA,Jenje,who has currently gone broke to an extent of selling his properties to survive the harsh economic times.

Mama Rose Baraka Kutenda,as she is famously known by her electorates in Sabaki,ranked second in the survey with her generous hand being among other virtues,the key for her adoration by the people of Sabaki.

She is also a big advocate of education and is sponsoring several students to go through secondary school and higher education.Her other areas of interests are water,land,health,women and youth empowerment through chamas,sports and talent support.

The PAA life member is also a member of Ward schorlaship fund at the county assembly of Kilifi and a key participator in motions in the house of representatives. 

3.Hon.Ibrahim Abdi.

He is a second term MCA from Watamu ward, also famously known as Ibrahim Matumbo who won the seat on an ODM ticket in a hotly contested election that saw him win by a small margin.

He is the current Leader of Majority at the County Assembly,holding 4 positions in various committees including the Chairperson at the Committee on Selection,Member in the Budget and Appropriation Committee and a member in the House of Business committee.

He is a hardworking leader who has passion for sports and talent and normally hosts several football tournaments within his ward.He is also a hardworking leader in matters to do with Infrastructure such as Roads and several amenities considering Watamu is a tourist town and needs topnotch infrastructure to attract tourists.

He is also a close ally of the governor and would be seen frequently in company of the Governor arranging on how to make Kilifi a great county.

4.Hon.Hassan  Mohammed.

He is a staunch PAA adherent who is in his second term as Matsangoni MCA who clinched the seat without struggling due to the love from his people.The reciprocated love from his people is due to his hardworking nature to serve his people with dignity in areas such as health,land,water and security.

Since his re-election he has established a constant presence in his ward to help his people in various capacities including women and youth empowerment initiatives to enrol people in chamas to benefit from both the County and National governments grants and loans to empower themselves economically.

He holds key positions at the County Assembly including Member at the Public Investment Committee and Member,lands,energy and housing committee.

5.Hon.Martha Kokie.

She is the MCA for Mariakani ward and she is famously known for causing debate online by selling afew of her wigs at exhorbitant prices to feed the people affected by hunger in her ward.

Despite the tantrums,she is a hard-working leader who has a generous hand in helping her people whenever they visit her mansion in Mariakani to seek help.She is a member in a whooping seven(7) committees at the County Assembly which includes Health,Transport,Ward Schorlaship committee and the lucrative Budget and Appropriations committee.

She has helped so many people in her ward including education and health where she is educating several Mariakani students and paying hospital bills for many people.

6.Hon.Paul  Charo.

He is the MCA for Magarini Ward who won the seat on an Independent ticket and he has proved to the people of Magarini ward that indeed he was the person they needed to turn around things in their ward.Despite being constantly present in the ward to take care of his people's needs,he has connected several dispensaries with water and he is in plans to connect dark  villages in Magarini to the national electric grid.

He is also sponsoring several students from Magarini to get education and has several youth and women empowerment initiatives that has made him a man of the people in Magarini.

He is a member in the gender,agriculture and water committees at the County Assembly of Kilifi and contributes immensely to the house proceedings every now and then.

7.Hon.Agnes Sidi.

She is the Kayafungo Ward Representative after winning the seat on an ANC party ticket who beat all the odds to emerge victorious in a pool of strongmen but her generous hand and clean heart of helping her people when they are in need made her clinch the seat from the little populated ward.

She is a very hardworking leader and is helping her people in many sectors mainly in women and youth empowerment programmes to uplift them economically.She appeared number seven (7) in the list for her huge presence on the ground and her development agenda to the people of Kayafungo.

She holds five(5) positions at the county assembly including gender,ward schorlaship committees and the powerful County Public Investment committee.

8.Hon.Peter Shehe.

He is the MCA for Jaribuni ward and a former MP of Ganze Constituency.He is a much loved individual in Jaribuni having captures the seat on a UDA ticket.He is an old gun that likes new cartridges in the likes of modelling  young people to achieve their potential using their God-given talents by sponsoring several sports tournaments in his ward.

He is also a performer in areas such as Health,Water and Education where he is sponsoring several students to pursue secondary school and higher education.

He is a big heckler in parliament,being among the hustlers who would open their mouths wide to criticize any wrong move taken by the majority ODM county assembly thereby ranking him so high on the representation category above all his fellow leaders.

9.Hon.Jonathan Birya.

He is an ODM diehard who loves Raila Odinga like a ripe banana, from Kaloleni where the great RONALD NGALA hailed from.

He is a passionate leader who takes  the suffering of his people as his own and tries as much as possible to intervene and solve the problems amicably.His best interest is mostly in providing water for his people and he is currently supervising the construction of  the famous "mitsara" in Kaloleni where water can be stored for future use.

He also helps his people in sectors such as Health and Education and is a regular participator in parliament especially on discussing and passing important motions to help the government of Hon.Gedion Mung'aro to achieve its agenda to the people.

10.Hon.Twaher Abdulkarim.

Closing the ranks is non other than the MCA for Shella Ward,the ever persistent leader who has vied for the seat more times than the times Raila has vied for the presidency,but its different for Twaher because eventually he won the seat this time round,unlike Raila who is still fighting to ensure Ruto leaves Statehouse for him to occupy it.

So,despite a group of people led by a certain influential woman by the name Mama Njeri from Muyeye to cause havoc in his office for being left out of jobs after campaigning for him and promising to cause demonstrations thereafter,the ODM MCA has achieved alot in a span of short time to the amazement of his critics.

The ever-smiling MCA is a hardworking leader who knows how to govern such a noisy ward full of dramas and tantrums every now and then.He has helped so many people to pay hospital bills and finance their education and  is on a charm-offensive to bring the much needed developments to the people who believed in him and  voted him in.

He is a staunch ODM member and is very vocal in parliament to ensure the agendas of the President of the county are passed in parliament without a single hitch.

The leaders in this outstanding list have shown exemplary leadership skills to the electorates and have earned the love and trust from them to deliver on their agenda and change their living standards.

The other leaders who do not appear in this comprehensive list are strongly advised to roll up their sleeves and get down to work for the people since they are keenly watching their moves and failure to meet their expectations,they may not see the gates of the Kilifi County Assembly again after 2027.

There is also a warning to the few leaders who have run away from the electorates and rented in posh suburbs in Nyali,Vipingo and Casuarina Villas in Malindi,that the people are on high alert and are keenly watching their filthy behaviour and they should know that long gone are the days when leaders would vanish into thin air and appear during election time and seek for votes unashamedly.


  1. I expected Kokie on the second slot but nisawa tu..The engineers of the research are telling us something else

  2. The sponsor of this blog was definitely to be number one , the conspiquaslly missing is Hon Radish Odhiambo , I don't think any of those mentioned MCAS has done the job hon Rashid has done to the people of Malindi

  3. My area MCA, Hon. Paul Charo is doing a tremendous job. I expected him to be among the top three. Again am abit puzzled to note that his photo was not captured, or is it because he's an independent candidate? I strongly believe that with the support from other leaders,stakeholders and the entire community he can undoubtedly transform and take our Magarini ward to the higher level. Thumb up our able Mhesh.!

    1. Am hoping the survey ikifanywa leo...
      My area mca SUPER,PAUL DENA will be number one with his photo being captured on the research.

  4. MCA Hon. Paul Charo of Magarini ward is doing a good job. Thumbs up muheshimiwa 👍

  5. Paul charo magarini ward is the best😊

    1. Maombi haya yamu fikie mheshimiwa vijana tunaomba kazi.

  6. Mwenye macho haambiwi tazama ukweli twaujua sisi

    1. In my full submission I expected Hn Twaher Abdulkarim to be position one. Haki yetu please revisit this.

    2. In my submission under factuality , I fully expected H.n Twaher Abdulkarim to be ranked position one since he works relevantly and on a relentless pursuit. I believe next round he shall since researcher was tired.Thanks.

  7. Magarini Word twahitaji maji, basi mengine badae, msianze kusifu wakati hatuna maji mitaani mwetu,

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Next time go straight to the point, don't give us lullabies, we all know the strategic place our county. I also doubt the research you conducted. I believe you didn't follow up the right procedure line having the sampling techniques and methods of conducting the research. No methodology was used because that would have given you a clear picture of how you could come up with the right results.

  11. My MCA Rashid Odhiambo for Malindi Town is constantly with the people and has assisted many get education scholarship, initiated many projects for his people. Possible in the next survey may emerge among the most performing MCA in Kilifi county

  12. Mca shella ward ndio na one. Hebu fanyeni itafiti wenu poa.

  13. could we have a place/topic in this blog to air our needs in our wards - for those who have no access to their MCA's. The needs are there with no one to tell or comments on projects on the ground from the electorate.

  14. Mr. blogger - could there be a monthly to bi-monthly topic on project delivery by MCAs then at the end no one will contest the results of what is documented.

  15. There is a room for improvement for the ones who never made it to the list of top ten

  16. Our MCA Bamba ward is Avery hardworking person,helping his people in on an matters in of school fees,education,agriculture and fighting the rights of farmers agaisnt the infusion in of wildlife and human being CV inflict

  17. Just marking time, closing gaps, soon you will find juma chengo, the mnarani ward mca on top of the list soon.....

  18. Champions bravo ,keep it up.The other Hons you can ,possibly by sharing ,benchmarking

  19. To my opinion hon jumaa chengo for mnarani ward angecheza no moja.
    Kwa maswala ya vijana
    Na maendeleo kama mataa za babarabarani na kujumuika na watu wake Kila siku


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